Praise & Prayer for:

  • this YouTube presentation from our Eurasia Region is a powerful example of  – spreading the word in other languages <<>>  You will be blessed.
  • some of the ways the Christmas Project 2021 Nazarene Compassionate Ministries (NCM) is assisting:
    • Dominican Republic sponsors the Children of the Future program which provides school supplies, vaccines, and  vitamins
    • Rohingya (Myanmar) – a Nazarene ministry helps children of the tribe in a refugee camp in Bangladesh
    • Philippines – NCM provides temporary housing, education, medical attention and spiritual care for children rescued from online sexual exploitation
    • Jordan – a Nazarene School educates and regularly ministers to 124 children, many of whom are refugees
  • the community service project  “On the Move”  TAKE pictures and please send them to Ria Lartec ( ) as soon as possible.
  • JFHP Paraguay –  Team report: “Roberto’s life was filled with alcohol and narcotics before reaching the feet of Christ. He realized his great sin through the JESUS film. Afterward, he felt the Holy Spirit call him to surrender and now feels so much joy. Today, Roberto is a faithful disciple and loves attending Bible studies and prayer meetings.”
  • Paraguay  Praise God for the over 4,000 Paraguayans who made decisions for Christ last year!

PRAY for:

  • from Heidi Bowes – Missionary Eurasia Region – Switzerland   Thank you for your continued prayers for the Ukraine situation.  Relief efforts continue daily in different places.  A colleague, Davide, made this video update  (<<>>)  which capsulizes how we view and experience the war…horror and violence, another huge disruption, injustice, helping the hurting and needy, responding in the ways of God’s kingdom, and hope in Jesus.  One of the Ukrainian Nazarene pastor-turned refugees said this week, “I’ve never been so aware and grateful for the support demonstrated by the global Nazarene family.”  I continue to pray every day for the war to stop and the weapons to be put down.
  • In addition to the Ukraine situation, our brothers and sisters in Lebanon and Sri Lanka continue needing prayer.  The local situations are desperate – lack of economic, political, and infrastructure stability.  Fuel, food, and electricity, if available, are unaffordable.  NCM is providing practical support in these areas too.
  • JFHP Paraguay  22 teams;  71 members;  2 languages
    • JFHP teams are planting churches in remote areas and among immigrants and indigenous people. Pray for the gospel to become deeply rooted, and for entire communities to be transformed as God’s love is shared throughout Paraguay.
    • many children living in poverty must work instead of attending school. Pray for these children — against abuse, and for them to receive a revelation of the fatherhood of God in their lives. Pray also for the strengthening of families.
  • INDIA a state in southwestern India, Karnataka, has fast-tracked the implementation of an anti-conversion bill. The results of such a bill could mean a fine, prison sentence or worse for anyone converting from Hinduism to Christianity.  The attacks are fueled by the spread of disinformation about “mass conversions” taking place, for which there is no data to back up the claims. In Karnataka, just under 2% of the population is Christian and has remained as such.  The bill has six months to be considered by the Council where, critics point out, the ruling party is just one seat short of a majority.